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Passion for Inclusivity and the Planet

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Behind the scenes at ReCollect, our developers are hard at work, motivated by the ways in which we can help toward our common goal of caring for our planet.

ReCollector Spotlight: Phillip Hunter

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From talking solid waste with municipalities and organizations to helping these entities improve their recycling communications and more, you’ll find Phillip Hunter on the front lines at ReCollect.

Rolling Out An Organics Program

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Whether you’re looking to kick off an organics program of your own, or you’re just venturing out to learn a bit more about what it would entail, ReCollect is in a unique position to help you through the process.

Making the Recycling Coordinator’s Dream a Reality

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Some fantastic use cases that made communication easy, took a minimal amount of work by the Coordinator, and had a huge impact on call reduction, missed collection reduction and reduced contamination to name a few.

From Idea to Life: Product Development at ReCollect

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