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Electrify your E-Waste Program

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While long-term solutions to e-waste issues will require collaboration across industry and government sectors, developing responsible programs — and implementing effective, digital messaging about those solutions — is one way you can make a difference now.

’Tis the Season to be Environmentally Friendly

7 Tips for Holiday Season Tis Environmentally Friendly

As we make memories, we’ll also end up with some 25 million tons of trash. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Some 80% of our holiday waste can actually be reused, repurposed, or recycled. And we can help.

Metro Nashville Combats Contamination By Partnering with ReCollect


With rising recycling contamination rates and increased cost to manage the unwanted materials, officials at Metro Nashville knew that they needed to expand their methods of communication to reach a bigger audience. So they set out to explore the world of digital communications tools.

ReCollector Spotlight: Kelly Millman, Manager – Customer Success

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ReCollect Customer Success Manager Kelly Millman has dedicated her life to the environment. Behind the scenes at ReCollect, she plays an integral role on our team, working with the Customer Success Team and ensuring that the communities we serve are getting the most out of their digital tools.