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ReCollect Supports Recycling Partnership in Delivering Grants for Education

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Today, Recollect is proud to support The Recycling Partnership as it announces the recipients of its Steve Thompson Memorial Education Grants program. This brings more than 50 recycling professionals from across the U.S. to Minneapolis for the 2017 Resource Recycling Conference to further their recycling education. At the end of 2016, The Recycling Partnership released […]

Recycling Authority Wins Michigan Award for Recycling Education with ReCollect

The Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County (RRRASOC) has won an award for Excellence in Recycling from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. ReCollect tools are featured for innovation and reporting.  At RRRASOC, Tracy Purrenhage and Michael Csapo make sure residents and municipalities know how to recycling right. RRRASOC is a municipal solid […]

Chapter 7: Navigating the Procurement Process

What happens when you contact a software provider for a quote? If you’re purchasing a government SaaS product, you should expect to speak with a vendor a few times. At first, they will likely ask a few high level questions to confirm there is a place to work together. At ReCollect, you should expect your […]

Community-Based Social Marketing in Waste Communications

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At ReCollect, we spend a lot of time researching how best to communicate with residents about collection schedules. Ryan, one of our waste communication specialists, is a fan of Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM), and has done a lot of research into it. In Western North America, Ryan says, municipalities are adopting CBSM because of its […]

Jenny Awarded Waste 360’s 40 under 40 Award

Jenny English, in our sales department, has had a great 2017 so far. She was promoted to the Eastern Territories last quarter, hit her one-year anniversary at ReCollect this month, and in a few weeks will be awarded Waste360’s 2017 Waste 360’s 40 Under 40 award on stage at WasteExpo in New Orleans. [Update! Waste360 […]

Columbia, South Carolina, Wins Carolina Recycling Association Award

Carolina universities have thousands of recycling bins. They have instructional web pages and beautiful recycling guides. Some campuses even have on-site waste coordinators to make sure students are recycling right. On campus recycling rates are high. Off campus, things are not as easy. Although universities supply information about local regulations, students still struggle to keep up […]

The Big 5 Trends of City Tech

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At a public hackathon five years ago, Kevin and I created an app called VanTrash. My mom liked it so much, that she suggested I build a company around it. Since ReCollect is now five years old, I should probably send her a card (she already has a lifetime supply of branded hoodies). My mom […]

Making an Impression: Communicating Recycling Changes

When developing a communications plan, an important way to evaluate success is to to count “impressions.” Simply put, an impression is any time a communications tool, such as a newspaper or radio ad, makes an impression on a person. Most newspapers, television stations, and radio stations can supply you with information about their readership, viewers and listeners. Billboard […]

Billboards are Big! How to Connect to All Residents about Waste

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Formerly the domain of the legal, insurance, and restaurant sectors, municipalities are starting to use billboards as part of their communications efforts. The reasons are simple: well-placed billboards generate a lot of repeat “impressions,” and can in fact be surprisingly affordable. There’s a few things to keep in mind to get the most out of your billboards: Minimal text: The best practice […]

Better Call a KAB: Teaching Residents About Recycling

In communication and outreach practices, there’s a simple change model called KAB — knowledge, attitude, behaviour. The principal behind this model is pretty straightforward: when someone has knowledge about a topic or issue, they then develop an attitude about that issue, which leads to a behaviour that addresses that issue. In the case of waste […]