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How Digital Recycling Education Tools help get waste sorted!

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Residents want to do recycling right, but they’ll often make incorrect assumptions when packaging is confusing or guidelines change from place to place. This can lead to wish-cycling and recycling contamination. Online digital tools provide searchable lists so residents can look up specific items and know exactly what to do with them.

How to Digitise Your Garden Waste Collection Programme

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Increasingly, councils are charging for garden waste collection services. If managed and communicated wisely, these programmes can truly be a win-win as the local authority can generate income to support vital services. Residents with gardens have an option when they don’t want to compost at home or take their waste to the tip, whilst those in high rise flats aren’t paying for a service they don’t use.

Five tips to help councils reduce contamination

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With the headlines dominated by the pandemic, driver shortages and changes to household waste volumes over the last year, another long-standing issue saw less coverage. Yet, contamination, and the large associated costs, remains high on the list of concerns we hear from our local authority customers.

Why Environmental Teams Should Focus on Vertical Integration

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One problem we see local government waste and street cleansing teams struggle with, is where they are trying to manage their service using an enterprise solution that has been put in place across the council. The software isn’t generally well suited to their most common business processes and the data that underpins them.

Why Paper is a Risk to your Waste Collection Service

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Recent events, from floods to pandemic, have brought risk and resilience back into sharp focus for public service managers and directors. And one risk in particular has quickly moved up the list – the risk associated with paper-based processes.