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Getting Smarter About Waste

Connected software solutions for waste, environmental and site services

About Routeware

Routeware is a leading international provider of software and technology solutions to the waste and environmental sector, and the new home for the Webaspx and ReCollect solutions.

How we help

In the UK, our software and services have been used by over 200 local authorities and waste & resource management companies to help them improve the efficiency and performance of their waste collection, street cleansing and environmental services, helping save an estimated £100M+.

Why Routeware

With operators now realising the limitations of paper-based systems and processes, we are helping them transition to a world of smart depots and trucks. By creating end-to-end solutions to digitise data and automate processes, Routeware is helping our customers reduce cost and increase the resilience of their waste and environmental service operations.


An efficient, effective waste and recycling sector powered by innovative technology.

Our Mission

To transform waste collection to drive a better future for generations to come.

Our Values

The waste industry and technology are ever-changing, and the Routeware team never stops adapting to be at the forefront of technology innovation, supporting our customers to stay ahead.

Join Our Team

We’re always seeking passionate people who want to join a team dedicated to providing practical and purposeful technology solutions for local authorities and resource management companies.

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