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ReCollect – Accessible, Secure, & Safe

Safe, Secure, Private, Accessible
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ReCollect: Built to keep you and your data safe

Every technology company will say they take security, privacy, and accessibility seriously. In fact, many will only talk about these issues in footnotes because they’ve become a baseline requirement. Decision makers often assume this is something their IT team just needs to check off as part of their due diligence. But it doesn’t pay to neglect the basics.

At ReCollect we understand how damaging a data breach or lawsuit can be. Not only financially, but to public trust and goodwill. We go beyond proactively assuring the highest levels of security, privacy, and accessibility, and we want to be able to prove it. That’s why we’ve selected some of the most thorough and unbiased auditors available to put our products to the test on an annual basis.

We’re pleased to reveal that ReCollect has been re-certified during 2022 independent audits of our security and accessibility using independent firms.

Security: ReCollect uses best-in-class security tools and modern software development practices to maintain a strong security posture. Outside auditors not only looked for potential risks in our web applications and cloud environment, they also scrutinized policies, controls, software updating, and incident response procedures. Their certification shows that ReCollect is maintaining best practices throughout our systems.

Privacy: Data privacy not only the comes from secure systems, it’s also a function of good data handling practices. At ReCollect we only collect the minimal amount of information required to offer our services, and personal data is securely removed as soon as it’s no longer needed. ReCollect complies with all applicable privacy laws in jurisdictions where it operates, including GDPR.

Accessibility: Our annual 2022 accessibility audit also resulted in re-certification. Through rigorous testing, auditors found that ReCollect’s web tools conform to applicable criteria for inclusion, making them easy for residents and customers to use regardless of age or disability. Broad accessibility isn’t just a matter of preventing lawsuits. It’s simply the right thing to do.

It’s important to review and understand the measures we take to bring you the most secure, private, and accessible services possible. But we wouldn’t blame you if you’d prefer to let us do all the work in the background. And we’re happy to do it. Our products are designed to be turn-key and to easily integrate with your website, so plan on letting us handle the hard work while you get the accolades.

However, if all this discussion of security and privacy has got you wondering if you’re making the best use of your data, you might want to find out about ReCollect data transformation services. Our highly experienced GIS (Geographic Information System) team can help you transform your data into the perfect digital format for your collection calendar, freeing up your internal team to work on other projects. In fact, we have a number of success packages to assist and educate your team.

To learn more about our recent audits and certifications, view our compliance page. To find out about any of our services, contact us today.



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