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Digital Transformation Enhances Customer Service at Middlesbrough Council

Key Points

  • Introduction of In-Cab devices and Workflow to increase efficiency and improve performance.
  • 85% staff members said the software is easy to use and helps them carry out their work
  • 44% reduction in customer complaints
  • 77% reduction in “bin not out” issues between high and low months


Middlesbrough Council provides a waste and recycling service to over 62,000 households,
equating to over four million collections per year. The Council had an issue with missed bins because customers were not placing them out for collection on time, then calling about missed collections. The time and cost required to go back and revisit these properties was high, and the paper trail required to reactivate a collection was not sustainable.

To increase satisfaction among Middlesbrough’s customers and help employees within the service to carry out their jobs more efficiently and effectively, the Council opted to update its recycling and waste service with a more modern, digitised service model that provides transparency around collections to back-office staff, collection crews to improve communications with the public.

How we helped

Middlesbrough Council used our Digital Depot solution to digitise back-office workflows with software that automatically pushes rounds to in-cab computers, telling drivers where to go and giving them direct access to the same system used by office staff, enhancing transparency with instantaneous communications across locations and devices, and eliminating the need for paper route sheets, note-taking by hand, and duplicative work.

Previously, Middlesbrough printed round sheets for their drivers, which consumed a lot of paper and delayed start times for drivers. Route changes were difficult to pass on after the crew had set off on route.

With in-cab computers, collection crews can instantly notify the contact centre of any issues that could result in a call or complaint. With this information immediately to hand, call centre colleagues can resolve service issues confidently.

If a driver does miss a bin, the back-office team is quickly and efficiently able to rectify the situation and re-route a crew, rather than having to go back for one bin at great cost and inconvenience on another day.

“Now we can push information out to customers and customer services at the same time. If a resident has an online self-service account, they get a notification if their bin collection day changes. And if we don’t collect their bin, they can see why, whether it wasn’t out, it was blocked, or it was contaminated.”
Philip Shaw
Operations Manager for Waste and Recycling


With back-office software that digitises workflows and communication across offices and vehicles, all staff have instant access to up-to-date information about round progress and any issues happening on the street.

With In-Cab computers already loaded with accurate rounds, drivers get started immediately in the morning and work more safely and efficiently throughout the day. The requirement of time
and paper to print daily round sheets has been eliminated.

Back-office teams with real-time visibility into collections more confidently respond to callers and provide quicker service to rectify the situation. And the waste service team are able to accurately account for bins not presented, side waste, unauthorised and damaged bins.

“In 2019 all processes within our waste and recycling service were paper based. This was having a detrimental effect on the service and slowing down responses to customers. A change was needed to improve the efficiency of the service and provide an improved customer experience.”
Philip Shaw
Operations Manager for Waste and Recycling

About Routeware
Routeware is a leading technology company for the waste and environmental services sector. In the UK, our software and services have been used by over 200 local authorities and most of the leading waste and resource management companies, helping save an estimated £100M+ for UK local government.


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