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South Norfolk Council choose ReCollect Digital Recycling Communication Tools to keep residents up-to-date about Waste

The team at South Norfolk Council has launched their Bin Collections South Norfolk App on October 24th 2022 to ensure their 138k residents never miss another bin collection again.

Available via a downloadable App onto any digital device, and through the South Norfolk website, residents are now, through the Multi-Community Waste Wizard search tool, Collection Calendar, Waste sorting Game, able to:

– Quickly and easily access bin collection information for their postcode

– Print off their own up-to-date and accurate collection calendar

– Get e-mail reminders for each of their collection days and keep up-to-date about collection changes

– Be alerted to disruption which will affect their collection

– Receive push notifications with alerts, reminders and helpful recycling tips

– Quickly find the best way to dispose of items

– Check they are recycling items correctly via an interactive game

– Directly report through the App when bins have been missed.


The Councils recognised that buying a bespoke solution off-the-shelf would enable them to improve their residents recycling knowledge and give them greater access to self-serve waste collection information more quickly. They set a target recycling rate of 60% for the district.

The implementation started in July 2022 with the aim of modernising communications and has only taken a matter of weeks to get up and running due to the existing partnership between the councils and Webaspx, who also supply their Digital Depot software for back office, In-Cab mobile devices for the collection crews, and optimisation, providing an end-to-end digital waste management solution.

The App is live for residents to download from the following link right now on the free app, simply visit the App Store or Google Play and search Bin Collections South Norfolk:




W​ith access to accurate and up-to-date information 24/7 as well as recycling education for residents its value add for every-one, the environment, the council and the communities it serves.


Image: Digital Waste Sorting Game to encourage positive recycling behaviour change in the South Norfolk region.




For more information about our Recycling Communications Tools please CLICK HERE


About Webaspx Webaspx, a Routeware Global Company, is the leading route optimisation software supplier focused on the waste and fleet management markets. With offices in the US and the UK, the company provides market-leading cloud and mobile solutions to an established customer base of public and private sector companies.


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