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Thank You For Joining Us At WasteExpo!

WasteExpo Team Photo
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Last week was a great week at WasteExpo in Las Vegas.

From our customers who stopped by and shared their ideas with us personally and in our focus groups, to those who spent time kicking the tires on our best-in-class technology solutions with our solutions engineers and account executives — it’s always the people we meet that make WasteExpo great.

This year we went all out, bringing together our largest-ever team to meet the biggest crowd we’ve ever welcomed in a booth with ample space to accommodate everyone.

Now that the show’s a wrap, we’ll be planting one tree for every booth visitor whose badge we scanned, five for everyone who requested more information, 10 for each demo, and 20 for each participant in our focus groups. With our non-profit partner, One Tree Planted, we’ll be planting trees all year long.

The Routeware & ReCollect Experience at WasteExpo

Here’s a look at Routeware Booth #3550 in pictures:

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RW & RC team members take a quick break for a photo in front of the selfie wall.

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ReCollect Account Executive Meghan Vidakovic speaks in front of the camera.

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Routeware Account Executives Kevin Hahn and Dan Cunnane catch up while waiting for the exhibit hall to open.

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ReCollect team members shared the Waste Sorting Game with booth visitors. From left, Darin Sheasgreen, Brittany Loffredo, Ryan Buhay, Drew Rifkin, and Meghan Vidakovic.

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Jim Macmillan and Nate Piersall demonstrated Routeware’s Workflow Automation solutions at the booth.

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A little bit of fun with props at the selfie wall!

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Solutions Engineers Charlie Bean and Marc Colombo provided insight into our tools for Fleet Automation.

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Account Executive Jim Farkas and Product Manager Clay George team up for a pre-show pic.

Day-By-Day Show Overviews

Looking for complete show coverage? Check out the day-by-day coverage from Waste360:

Day 1: Monday, May 9

Day 2: Tuesday, May 10

Day 3: Wednesday, May 11

Exploring the show floor

Learn more. Whether you stopped by our booth or didn’t make it to the show, we’re here to answer your questions. Let’s talk!



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Routeware Announces Industry Veteran Eric Speiser as Chief Revenue Officer

Routeware, Inc. Announces Industry Veteran Eric Speiser as Chief Revenue Officer

“As we continue to bolster our position in the market, we’re thrilled to announce Eric Speiser has joined our company as Chief Revenue Officer,” said Paul Rafalowski, CEO at Routeware. “Eric brings nearly two decades of experience in the waste collection industry and will play an instrumental role in continuing to strengthen our category leadership.”

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